Additive Blooming: Origins, Detection, and Control in Polymer Processing

Most polymers contain many non-polymeric components intended to stabilize, toughen, color and lubricate the final product. Certain classes of these additives are capable of migrating to the surface. This additive migration can create a surface that has a composition very different from the bulk of the polymer. If the manufacturing process includes an interface between the polymer and an adhesive or paint, or in the case of a medical device, contact with human tissues, additive migration to the surface (blooming) can have serious consequences.
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Assent Compliance

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently added 10 new substances to the Registration, Authorisation, Evaluation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List. Raj Takhar, Assent’s Subject Matter Expert, Materials Management and Chemical Reporting, and Valerie Kuntz, Materials Management Subject Matter Expert, discuss these substances and the requirements for reporting on them.
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Broadband benchtop NMR spectroscopy

Broadband NMR spectroscopy is now used in a wide range of industries. More portable and user-friendly than ever before, this exciting technology can improve workflow efficiency, streamline complex tasks and save countless hours.
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K-REACH and K-BPR: Latest developments

Chemical Watch

This two-part webinar took place on 22 March and provided a regulatory and legal overview of the recently amended K-REACH and the newly adopted K-BPR. Each session demonstrated to what extent these two regulations will affect your industry and what you need to do to comply.
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Chiral and Achiral Profiling of Crop Protection Chemicals using UltraPerformance Separations and Mass Detection

In this webinar we present some examples of how the analytical profiling of crop protection chemicals can be made more comprehensive with the addition of mass detection to varied separation techniques.
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