Whip Mix
Hazardous Communications Standard – “HAZCOM” is a standard developed by OSHA that requires companies to identify substances or chemicals that may cause illness or injury to our employees or the consumer of our products and communicate these hazards through training of employee and providing communications to our employees and the consumers of our products through labeling and Safety Data Sheets (SDS). This OSHA standard is also aligned with the international labeling requirements referred to as the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). This webinar will cover the points of importance to dental laboratories.
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Our speaker, Mike RASENBERG, Head of Unit for Computational Assessment and Dissemination at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), will explain how the ECHA support scientists and product development leaders to leverage the wealth of information generated around REACH to accelerate innovation. He’ll be discussing both the data and the tools that benefit innovation leaders. What type of data and tools can be used to accelerate innovation. How this data and these tools can be used in sustainable product development.
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How chemists interact with and ultimately use the elements on the periodic table is one of the primary sustainability challenges for the 21st century.
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More and more, the process industry is focusing on functional safety. Yet many chemical engineers lack a basic understanding of functional safety for their instrument safety loop.
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