Products and Technologies, Raw Materials

Decarbonizing the real estate sector

February 15, 2023

Decarbonizing the real estate sector
Real estate space – in the form of buildings and campuses utilized for living or work – are becoming a key focus area for humans as we ourney through our evolution.


Lintech International

Lintech International LLC is a leading specialty chemical distributor of resins, monomers, additives, pigments and performance minerals. We have partnered with world-class suppliers to meet the needs of customers in a wide variety of markets. Since 1983, our steady focus has been on the success of our customers. We Provide Solutions for your business.

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The “No-Excuse” Framework to Accelerate the Path to Net-Zero Manufacturing and Value Chains

whitePaper | January 5, 2023

Although the need for climate action is a growing concern for businesses, the move from talk to “noexcuse” action is still hindered by limited access to detailed information on how businesses can operationalize their commitments and address their carbon-emission challenges throughout their operations and supply chains.

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Towards a Net-Zero Chemical Industry

whitePaper | May 16, 2022

As a cornerstone of the global economy, the chemical industry is tightly interconnected in a complex web of value chains,

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Optimising chemistry performance through heterogeneous catalyst design

whitePaper | December 5, 2022

Chemical catalysis by platinum group metal (PGM) based materials is an essential synthetic technology for the fine chemical industry. Catalysis enables the acceleration of the reaction rate using a substance that itself is not consumed.

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The Oil & Gas Drone Data Playbook

whitePaper | May 28, 2021

As an oil & gas professional, you encounter some of the most challenging and complex work and regulatory environments of any industry. Tasked with scouting new potential sites, you also oversee current construction; manage large fields, hundreds of oil rigs, and dozens of contractors; and secure miles of pipeline – all while keeping workers, the general public, and surrounding environments safe. Meanwhile, complicated and ever-evolving regulations make it difficult for oil & gas companies to streamline work.

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Optimizing Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage to Meet Ambitious Sustainability Goals

whitePaper | October 5, 2022

The race to a zero carbon future is on. Global oil and gas, petrochemical and chemical companies alike have announced ambitious and broad carbon mitigation.

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Decarbonizing the Canadian Chemical and Fertilizer Industry

whitePaper | March 11, 2023

Canada’s economy and the lives of Canadians are highly reliant on the materials and products produced by the chemical and fertilizer industry.

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Lintech International

Lintech International LLC is a leading specialty chemical distributor of resins, monomers, additives, pigments and performance minerals. We have partnered with world-class suppliers to meet the needs of customers in a wide variety of markets. Since 1983, our steady focus has been on the success of our customers. We Provide Solutions for your business.
