Will your nonfood chemicals pass an audit?

In the last few months, we have spent a lot of time talking about biological hazards such as Listeria monocytogenes. But your HACCP system needs to consider other hazards too. In this webinar we will be discussing the hazards associated with non-food chemicals you have in your facilities such as lubricants and cleaning products.How can you be sure that you are not introducing hazards that could harm your consumer? Audit criteria require the registration of non-food chemicals. The process and significance of this requirement will be explained by Stephanie Ludwig of NSF International, who is based in the USA.
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Chemical Data Management: The Complete Guide You Wish You Had Sooner

Intelex Technologies Inc.

Organizations across virtually every industry find themselves navigating the roadmap of Chemical Data Management. While some instances require more intricate processes and procedures, there are common foundational components that can set your organization up for success.
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Supporting Sustainable Development under REACH


Achieving successful sustainable development under REACH can help organizations overcome many existing product development issues. For example, collecting the data relevant for REACH compliance can foster improved materials inventory management or guide predictive toxicity studies for new products.priorities and approaches to digitalizing the lab. How intelligently planned formulations can ensure sustainable products.How toxicity databases can support toxicity prediction for new regulated substances.
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The Webinar provides an overview of the Applied Research Sector in Brazil, presented by the SENAI Innovation Institutes. Part II of the webinar series is focussed on the industry and research topic of Chemistry & Biosynthetics, addressed to Brazilian and European STI actors aiming to increase their knowledge in the respective market and to identify potential collaboration possibilities. Research Potential and further collaboration opportunities in Brazil in the area of chemical industry.
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Staying Ahead of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

Two years after the adoption of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), the revamp of key EU chemicals and products regulations is underway.
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