Will your nonfood chemicals pass an audit?

In the last few months, we have spent a lot of time talking about biological hazards such as Listeria monocytogenes. But your HACCP system needs to consider other hazards too. In this webinar we will be discussing the hazards associated with non-food chemicals you have in your facilities such as lubricants and cleaning products.How can you be sure that you are not introducing hazards that could harm your consumer? Audit criteria require the registration of non-food chemicals. The process and significance of this requirement will be explained by Stephanie Ludwig of NSF International, who is based in the USA.
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Emission reduction potentials in high-volume applications

Learn from our 3 experts about emission sources originating from binder systems in large serial casting productions. Get to know potentials to reduce or even avoid emissions along the process chain by both chemical and technical product solutions.
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Optimise fermentation processes by implementing respiratory gas analysis PAT

Over many years Thermo Scientific™ Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometers have proven effective in monitoring bacterial and microbial processes. More recently, there has been increasing interest.
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Who’s Minding the Store? Retailer Report Card and Chemical Footprint Project

The Chemical Footprint Project

earn how Mind the Store Campaign evaluates progress to safer chemicals across 40 retailers and how the CFP Survey engages and evaluates businesses in their journey to holistic chemicals management.
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Identifying and Managing the Hazards of Combustible Dust

OHS Online

Combustible dust poses a hazard to numerous industries, such as food, wood, chemical, plastics, and metals. Dust fires and explosions are relatively rare, but when they occur, they can be catastrophic. The first step to ensure safe operations involving combustible dust is to conduct a dust hazard analysis. This webinar will provide viewers with a guide to identifying combustible dust hazards in manufacturing facilities. The topics will include developing a dust sampling plan, principles of dust clouds and ignitable atmospheres, and mechanics of dust flash fires and explosions. The webinar will then cover how to analyze processes and buildings to determine where dust fire and explosion hazards exists by evaluating normal and abnormal operating conditions, potential ignition sources, and existing safeguards in place.
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