In the age of increasingly expensive and complex carbon-capture and sequestration technologies, can low-tech, legacy solutions still play a pivotal role in reducing the emission of VOCs and greenhouse gasses?
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Our speaker, Mike RASENBERG, Head of Unit for Computational Assessment and Dissemination at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), will explain how the ECHA support scientists and product development leaders to leverage the wealth of information generated around REACH to accelerate innovation. He’ll be discussing both the data and the tools that benefit innovation leaders. What type of data and tools can be used to accelerate innovation. How this data and these tools can be used in sustainable product development.
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REACH24H Consulting Group
The management of hazardous waste in China is becoming a more and more important topic as the central government has been putting a lot of effort in the regulation on the hazardous chemicals and the improvement of the environmental quality. The latest version of the Inventory of Hazardous Wastes was published in March 2016. The new version became effective on Aug 1st 2016 and included significant changes compared to its predecessor, the 2008 version. However, industry has encountered some problems relating to the implementation of the Inventory. So ChemLinked invited Ms. Amy Tu to give our readers a comprehensive introduction to the management of hazardous waste in China.
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Chemistry World
In cheminformatics today, innovations such as IUPAC’s InChI have created an explosion of interconnectedness for chemical structure databases. Unfortunately, chemists continue to draw 2D structures containing implicit 3D information (chair and boat, Haworth or Fischer projections, etc.). To address the issue, chemical information scientists use software-based ‘standardisation’ of chemical structures and in the process may remove or misinterpret the implicit stereochemistry of the original structure. In this webinar, we will explore an alternative, more accurate software-based ‘interpretation’ method that understands the 3D intent of 2D drawings as a chemist would. Case studies comparing both methods will be presented.
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