Targeted protein degradation using small molecules

Learn how Protacs work for targeted protein degradation to widen the spectrum of targetable proteins Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an emerging drug discovery strategy that allows access to difficult-to-treat diseases. While traditional small-molecule drugs may only allow access to ~20% of the proteome, degradation techniques may open the door to the other 80%. Proteolysis targeting chimeras (Protacs) are an attractive new means of protein degradation, and work catalytically at sub-stoichiometric levels over an extended length of time. These tools have the potential to widen the spectrum of targetable proteins, including proteins that have proven intractable to traditional approaches.
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Opportunities in Photochemistry Photocontrol of Polymer Synthesis and Properties

ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry

In 2018, the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry is pleased to offer a new free webinar series focused on contemporary topics from recognized leaders in the field. The third webinar of 2018 will feature two 20-minute presentations regarding innovations in the photochemistry of polymers with Brett Fors of Cornell University discussing polymer synthesis and Julia Kalow of Northwestern University discussing polymer properties.
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Resolving absolute stereochemistry in early drug discovery with VCD

Determining the absolute configuration of small molecules is important early in the drug discovery process. The traditional methodology, X-ray analysis, requires a single crystal. Unfortunately, crystallisation of early-stage molecules can be problematic and time consuming.
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Petrochemicals, Policy, and Public Health

Decades of policy decisions contributed to the shale gas boom and now the petrochemical industry is eyeing the Ohio River Valley region as a production hub for single-use plastics made out of fracked gas, starting with Shell’s massive new ethane cracker in Monaca, Pennsylvania.
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Liquid Hydrogen: Safety and Design Considerations

If you work with liquid hydrogen systems, avoiding incidents is an ongoing priority—and worry.Join this webinar to update your understanding of the unique properties and hazards of liquid hydrogen and learn best industry practices for their elimination or mitigation.
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