This talk will focus on how to introduce CO2 electrolysis into established industries and allow for their full-scale decarbonization. and allow for their full-scale decarbonization.
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The development of new and improved chemicals and formulated products is costly and time-consuming due to the experimental programs required to explore all available chemistries, ingredients, and process options.
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Thermal analysis methods help you to address issues directly related to the quality and processing of oil and oil-based products in the petrochemical industry.
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During this webinar, we will look at the product supply chain, and whether simply complying with regulations is sufficient in order to appropriately manage an emergency incident involving your products (from major to minor incidents). The webinar will look at the drivers for putting in place robust emergency response arrangements (regulatory, risk management, alignment with sustainability) and the impact of an incident on the business (both in terms of direct and indirect costs, as well as the impact on the organisations reputation). This would also look at ‘what good looks like’ for initial response and advice provision, as well as notification and activation of corporate response and crisis management. In the webinar, our chemical supply chain experts will also explore how, as a proactive organisation, you can deliver operational excellence and use guidelines, such as those from CEFIC, to measure current performance and identify opportunities for potential improvements. We have recieved calls from real life incidents, which we will use as case studies to illustrate examples of a proactive organization. Finally, we will briefly discuss the impact of political changes, such as Brexit, on emergency response.
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