Recent Advances in Oligo Purity and Sequence Determination by LCMS

Recent Advances
Oligonucleotides (oligos) have become fast-growing modalities in recent years. Along with the development of these candidates has come the increased need for robust analytical methods and easy-to-use data analysis workflows to characterize them.
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Crude Oil to Chemicals (COTC): A Major Disruptor

IHS Markit Chemical Expert

With demand for chemicals growing at a much faster rate than the demand for transportation fuels, companies are exploring opportunities to configure their complex refineries into COTC plants. In lieu of producing transportation fuels, these COTC plants can convert crude oil directly to chemical feedstocks.
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ChemSec Marketplace: An Exchange Platform for Green Chemistry Alternatives

Green Chemistry & Commerce Council - GC3

In recent years there has been a legislative drive for companies to substitute hazardous chemicals in their products and supply chain with safer alternatives. In REACH, the European wide chemical legislation, substances of very high concern SVHCs are identified, restricted and banned in due course.
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How Material Safety Data Sheets Help You Perform Hazard Analyses


Performing hazard analyses are critical to safe operation in any chemically based operation or experiment. Often, engineers are approached with proposals for chemicals that have not been used in a company or research group previously. One ready reference to begin a hazard analysis is the careful review of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the chemical of interest. Surprisingly, the terms used in a MSDS are not fully understood. This webinar focuses on MSDS terms related to physical properties, flammability, and toxicity, explaining their definitions. Further, the webinar covers how to incorporate these data into any hazard analysis.
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Chemistry and the Economy: Mid-Year Update


How does a market adapt in the face of declining growth? Many different sectors across the chemical industry are in a state of oversupply and surplus capacity which has resulted in a slowing of production in multiple areas. In addition, the global balance of the oil market is shifting with OPEC losing its control on the market, China sending signals that its years of incredible growth are winding to a close and possible effects of the Brexit continue to loom. Join Paul Hodges of International eChem and former Chair of the ACS Board William Carroll as they return to give their take on the factors affecting the market areas of growth that still exist.
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