Overview of Hazard Analysis for Hydrogen Applications

Overview of
Hydrogen systems pose their own unique hazards which increase the costly risk of unplanned releases, fires and explosions. 
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Electrochemical Wastewater Refining: Converting Pollutants into Products

Traditionally, wastewater has been viewed as a source of pollution that can damage ecosystems. However, wastewater collection can be a win-win for the environment and businesses, because it contains several valuable elements like nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus that can be converted and purified into high-purity products like fertilizers
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Supporting Sustainable Development under REACH


Achieving successful sustainable development under REACH can help organizations overcome many existing product development issues. For example, collecting the data relevant for REACH compliance can foster improved materials inventory management or guide predictive toxicity studies for new products.priorities and approaches to digitalizing the lab. How intelligently planned formulations can ensure sustainable products.How toxicity databases can support toxicity prediction for new regulated substances.
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New OSHA Silica and Beryllium Standards: Update on OSHA Chemical Rulemaking

OSHA Defense Report

OSHA’s struggles to reform its chemical exposure limits continue with the rocky roll-out of its two newest occupational exposure standards – Silica and Beryllium. Both standards have faced legal challenges, but will survive in some form resulting in a full panoply of new obligations, including significant reductions in the allowable exposure levels to these chemicals, and a comprehensive set of ancillary requirements, such as housekeeping, hygiene, medical surveillance, recordkeeping, workplace signage, training, etc.
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An Introduction to Flow Chemistry and its First Principles


An Introduction to Flow Chemistry and its First Principles” is the first in a series of educational flow chemistry webinars by Syrris and is aimed at helping students and experienced chemists alike develop an understanding of what flow chemistry is, how it works, and its first principles. The webinar was broadcast live to a large audience and was presented by Andrew Mansfield, Head of Continuous Flow Chemistry at Syrris, with a live Q&A session at the end. You can view all the questions received, and their answers, below. After watching this, we recommend watching the follow-up webinar, “9 Reasons You Should Perform Your Chemistry in Continuous Flow“. The webinar was aired live on 12th September 2018 and repeated due to popular demand on the 2nd October 2018.
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