OSHA Lab Standard

MSDSonline is the leader in chemical safety education. Get immediate access to our OSHA Lab Standard Webinar covering Chemical Hygiene Plans (CHPs), Chemical Hygiene Officers (CHOs), HazCom, GHS adoption, labels and so much more. It's a comprehensive look at OSHA compliance requirements and industry best practices for lab safety. This Webinar Addresses: Hazard Communication, GHS Adoption, New Label & Safety Data Sheet Formats, Chemical Hygiene Plans, Safety Best Practices for the Lab & Training & Employee Monitoring Musts.
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Safety and sustainability in the chemical supply chain


During this webinar, we will look at the product supply chain, and whether simply complying with regulations is sufficient in order to appropriately manage an emergency incident involving your products (from major to minor incidents). The webinar will look at the drivers for putting in place robust emergency response arrangements (regulatory, risk management, alignment with sustainability) and the impact of an incident on the business (both in terms of direct and indirect costs, as well as the impact on the organisations reputation). This would also look at ‘what good looks like’ for initial response and advice provision, as well as notification and activation of corporate response and crisis management. In the webinar, our chemical supply chain experts will also explore how, as a proactive organisation, you can deliver operational excellence and use guidelines, such as those from CEFIC, to measure current performance and identify opportunities for potential improvements. We have recieved calls from real life incidents, which we will use as case studies to illustrate examples of a proactive organization. Finally, we will briefly discuss the impact of political changes, such as Brexit, on emergency response.
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REACH 2018: Last Mile of Data Sharing Negotiations

Chemical Watch

The last REACH registration deadline for chemicals placed on the European market is May 31, 2018 – only two months away. Data sharing and joint submission of data are mandatory requirements through which companies or groups of companies can reduce the costs of registration, make the most of their Lead Registrant position, and avoid unnecessary testing. Negotiations are currently placed under significant pressure as the deadline approaches, many substances remain to be registered and new implementing rules and guidance have to be considered compared to the 2010 and 2013 deadlines.
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Calibration and Qualification of Laboratory Instruments in Accordance with GMP Requirements


Calibration is relevant to everyone. Even the most precise measurement instrument is of little or no use if you cannot guarantee that the reading is accurate, or you are unaware of the measurement uncertainty. The US GMP rule for pharmaceutical manufacturing, 21 CFR Part 211, article 68(a) provides details on calibration of measuring equipment. Similar statements can be found in other regulatory or guidance documents, such as ISO9001, which emphazises the traceability to international or national measurement standards. The challenge is to determine how to put these regulations into practice—to be confident that you comply with the requirements without an excessive amount of effort—but without compromising product quality.
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Good Lab Practices


This webinar will cover the most important aspects of an effective lab safety program. The program opens with a brief review of major elements of the OSHA Lab and Hazard Communication Standards distilled down to the essentials and conveyed in concise and easily understood terms. Following the OSHA standards, the course moves into the main topic of safely dealing with chemicals. Everything from developing a beginning inventory to storage, waste collection and disposal is addressed.
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