Why successful chemical companies are digitalizing their R&D, sales and marketing Nearly 20 years after the internet bubble burst, the chemical industry is finally being hit by the digital transformation wave. Leading chemical companies are investing massively in digitalization efforts to explore new business models, acquire new skills, and develop new solutions and services.
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Corrosion is the root cause of many maintenance, integrity, and safety challenges facing operators today in the chemical industry.
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Over many years Thermo Scientific™ Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometers have proven effective in monitoring bacterial and microbial processes. More recently, there has been increasing interest.
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Mettler Toledo
As chemical reactions are scaled from lab to manufacturing, potential safety issues of non-scalable conditions need to be identified early in development. Reaction calorimetry provides crucial information quickly, which can be applied to quantify the risks and criticality associated with a chemical process.
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