Often times, vacuum pumps are not considered until there is a problem, costing many companies downtime and unnecessary costs. Selecting the best vacuum technology while considering the entire vacuum system is necessary for optimal vacuum performance.
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Assent Compliance
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently added 10 new substances to the Registration, Authorisation, Evaluation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List. Raj Takhar, Assent’s Subject Matter Expert, Materials Management and Chemical Reporting, and Valerie Kuntz, Materials Management Subject Matter Expert, discuss these substances and the requirements for reporting on them.
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From the ground to the engine of a vehicle, the quality control of petrochemicals is critical in every stage of the process. Water sensitivity of petrochemicals as well as their non-aqueous solubility requires special handling of the samples and specific sensors and solvents used in their analysis. This GTP Petrochemical Webinar offers knowledge and tips to assist you in optimizing your oil and fuel analysis; such as Karl Fischer water determination, TAN, TBN and mercaptans.
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In this webinar, we will explore levers for low carbon cement production. While on the one hand process optimisation is essential for reducing the energy
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