Managing Chemical Waste and Spill

Managing the hazardous substances that are used within your business can be a difficult task, but your duties are not limited to protecting your staff when they are simply using the materials that could pose a risk to their health if not adequately controlled. Businesses also have a duty to correctly dispose of any hazardous waste and to effectively manage and prevent the spillage of those substances.
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Predicting the Biggest Chemistry Advances of 2019


To know where you’re going, you have to know where you’ve been. C&EN adopted this motto in early December when it hosted a webinar in conjunction with the American Chemical Society, our parent organization. During the live broadcast, science editors Michael Torrice and Lauren Wolf picked the brains of chemistry experts in the scientific publishing community about the biggest research trends from 2018 and those on the way in 2019.
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Producing low carbon cements

In this webinar, we will explore levers for low carbon cement production. While on the one hand process optimisation is essential for reducing the energy
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Cleansing Supply Chains of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals

PFAS are highly functional chemistries that have been used in consumer products such as textiles and leather for clothing and footwear, in non-stick cookware and in paints and construction materials.
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Liquid Hydrogen: Safety and Design Considerations

If you work with liquid hydrogen systems, avoiding incidents is an ongoing priority—and worry.Join this webinar to update your understanding of the unique properties and hazards of liquid hydrogen and learn best industry practices for their elimination or mitigation.
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