Leveraging Atomic Scale Modeling for Design and Discovery of Next-Generation Battery Materials

Leveraging Atomic
The development of rechargeable Li-ion batteries (LIBs) has revolutionized electric vehicles and portable electronic devices. Further advancements are needed to improve the power density, safety, reliability, and lifetime of LIBs.
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Recent Advances in Oligo Purity and Sequence Determination by LCMS

Oligonucleotides (oligos) have become fast-growing modalities in recent years. Along with the development of these candidates has come the increased need for robust analytical methods and easy-to-use data analysis workflows to characterize them.
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Construction chemicals and structural materials

Researchers into materials and chemicals for construction applications seek to improve properties such as compressive strength or corrosion-resistance.
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Developing Digital in the Oilfield

PennWell Corporation

Many leading oil & gas and utilities companies are pursuing digital transformation to drive operational excellence. Across exploration, refining, power generation and distribution, petrochemical and other energy sectors, leaders are focused on reducing costs, mitigating risks, maximizing return on assets and streamlining project management.
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Driving the development of bio-based polymers with molecular simulation

Renewable sources have become a valuable asset to industries, driven by the desire for bio-based polymers in consumer packaging, carbon fibre composites and much more. While undeniably positive.
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