In 60 minutes, examine the fundamentals of chemical process safety from a work process perspective and how to integrate them within your operation, including inherently safer design, pre-start-up and operating reviews, and process hazard analysis. Take this webinar for a fresh look at work flow along with the various activities involved in managing chemical risk, how they are relatd and how they build upon each other.
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Oligonucleotides (oligos) have become fast-growing modalities in recent years. Along with the development of these candidates has come the increased need for robust analytical methods and easy-to-use data analysis workflows to characterize them.
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Understanding the fundamentals of designing polyelectrolyte coatings, which can be seen as a bio-inspired approach due to chemical sequences that are analogous to proteins at a molecular level.
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GE Digital
Data-informed insights uncover new opportunities to increase efficiency across business and operations. In the chemical industry, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the key to implementing smarter solutions. Watch our on-demand webcast for a uniquely interactive experience to learn how to unleash the data, assess new opportunities, and unlock customer advantage.
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