It’s your right to know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job

José Navarro was excited for his new career after landing a job in the poultry industry. After five years on the job, 37 year-old Navarro began coughing up blood. He died soon after when his lungs and kidneys failed. His death triggered a federal investigation raising questions about the health risks associated with the use of toxic chemicals in poultry plants. Millions of workers are exposed to chemicals everyday on the job. All workers have the right to know about the chemicals they work with and community health workers can be an important source of information and support for workers. This workshop will teach community health workers how to explain what happens when someone is exposed to chemicals and how workers can best protect themselves
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Argus Global Petroleum Coke Outlook to 2023


Join Argus to learn about the evolving petroleum coke market in the wake of recent shifts in supply and demand, upcoming challenges posed by IMO 2020, changes to solid fuels markets and trends in aluminum markets.
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Innovation vs Application: Maximizing Efficiency in Peptide Drug Discovery from a Chemistry Perspective


The process of drug discovery and development is a path that enlists the expertise of many while in pursuit of the one novel entity that rises above a host of potential candidates. For peptides this can be a daunting task given molecule complexity, physiochemical properties, receptor selectivity and scale-up of material. This presentation will discuss the discovery of our Glucagon agonist and how to use innovative technologies, focused SAR, and effective integration of a unique multidisciplinary team in the drug discovery process.
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Elemental Analysis for Petrochemical Applications


The elemental analysis of petrochemical products such as crude oils, intermediate refinery products, automotive fuels, or modern lubricating oils is quite challenging. If you work with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP), the organic matrix of petrochemical products requires special attention during sample preparation and instrument adjustment. Here, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) is really different and brings a lot of benefits to your lab, including simple sample preparation and elimination of daily re-calibrations. During this webinar, you will learn more about why sample preparation in XRF is so simple and straight forward and how the comprehensive XRF portfolio from Bruker can boost your sample throughput for such demanding applications. We will provide information that will help you to decide if an Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) or a Wavelength Dispersive XRF (WDXRF) instrument is the best choice for your specific petrochemical application.
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Master and power your chemical searchers with Reaxys and MarvinJS


Marvin JS, produced by ChemAxon, is a state-of-the-art chemical editor that combines the chemical knowledge of MarvinSketch with the JavaScript-based browser technology. Based on the feedback from our users we have updated MarvinJS to enable easier and faster generation of structure queries.
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