Driving the development of bio-based polymers with molecular simulation

Driving the
Renewable sources have become a valuable asset to industries, driven by the desire for bio-based polymers in consumer packaging, carbon fibre composites and much more. While undeniably positive. 
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Ventilation Considerations for Hydrogen Safety

This Webinar will provide an overview and guidance on ventilation to prevent and dilute the formation of flammable hydrogen-air mixtures. Information will include a review of relevant standards, guidelines, and approaches to achieving effective dilution for potential design-basis hydrogen release scenarios. Existing applications and previous incidents will be discussed.
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Assent Compliance

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently added 10 new substances to the Registration, Authorisation, Evaluation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List. Raj Takhar, Assent’s Subject Matter Expert, Materials Management and Chemical Reporting, and Valerie Kuntz, Materials Management Subject Matter Expert, discuss these substances and the requirements for reporting on them.
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Understanding Global Hazard Communication


The requirements for hazard communication, or Hazcom, in our global economy are complex and confusing. While the Hazcom requirements are similar from country to country, each jurisdiction has its own nuances when it comes to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and product labels. Some countries have different requirements for consumer product classification and labelling that is not entirely in-line with the GHS classification criteria. Additionally, there many companies receive requests for SDS for items such as articles, though articles are typically exempt from SDS regulations. All of these things make it challenging for a company to be compliant in a global marketplace.
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Evolving Chemical Hazard Evaluation Strategies for SMEs


Recent regulations such as the 2016 amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and regulatory agencies such as the European Union (EU) have begun to encourage alternatives to animal testing to assess chemical hazards. These efforts aim to replace animal tests with reliable and validated non-animal methods. This webinar series will highlight the regulatory landscape of toxicity testing requirements and acceptance of animal testing alternatives for industrial chemicals with a specific focus on the 2016 update to TSCA. It will showcase novel and emerging non-animal hazard evaluation strategies for compliance under such regulations such as read-across, high throughput assays, and quantitative structural-activity relationships.
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