Organizations of many kinds are creating lists of chemicals of concern and related restrictions, from regulatory agencies to manufacturers, brands, large scale purchasers, retailers, and NGOs. It can be overwhelming to track and manage these lists. Existing lists are constantly changing, and new lists are being continuously created. Learn about the thinking behind these lists and how tools including GreenScreen List Translator™ can help in the evaluation and prioritization of chemicals for your organization.
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Join the industry leaders from Microsoft, Simon-Kucher & Partners and PROS to discover the latest business process trends in the industry and how focusing on the customer experience and sales enablement process leads to increased revenue growth and enhanced profitability. During this on-demand webinar, you will explore the following building blocks of marketing and sales excellence in Chemicals: Segment your customers and align your offering.
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Learn how Protacs work for targeted protein degradation to widen the spectrum of targetable proteins Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an emerging drug discovery strategy that allows access to difficult-to-treat diseases. While traditional small-molecule drugs may only allow access to ~20% of the proteome, degradation techniques may open the door to the other 80%. Proteolysis targeting chimeras (Protacs) are an attractive new means of protein degradation, and work catalytically at sub-stoichiometric levels over an extended length of time. These tools have the potential to widen the spectrum of targetable proteins, including proteins that have proven intractable to traditional approaches.
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Why successful chemical companies are digitalizing their R&D, sales and marketing Nearly 20 years after the internet bubble burst, the chemical industry is finally being hit by the digital transformation wave. Leading chemical companies are investing massively in digitalization efforts to explore new business models, acquire new skills, and develop new solutions and services.
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