Dealing with Chemical Spills

This webinar will cover how to deal with spills in the laboratory. The program will focus on common chemical spills (acids, bases, flammable solvents, non-flammable solvents). Participants will learn the proper steps for alerting/notifying, containing, cleaning up spills and disposing wastes of commonly used chemicals. It will walk you through virtual spills large and small and the proper responses.
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Chemical Watch 2023 Global Outlook

This one-hour webinar kicks off Chemical Watch's Global Outlook 2023 webinar series. It outlines the most important recent regulatory updates and hot topics throughout the Asia Pacific region
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Chiral and Achiral Profiling of Crop Protection Chemicals using UltraPerformance Separations and Mass Detection

In this webinar we present some examples of how the analytical profiling of crop protection chemicals can be made more comprehensive with the addition of mass detection to varied separation techniques.
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How to choose optimal chemicals for microencapsulation. Emulsion Stabilizers


Dolomite explored ideal specialist chemicals for diverse microfluidic applications whilst encapsulating drugs, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. The aim of this webinar was to introduce emulsion stabilizers, their purposes and the importance of choosing the correct optimal surfactants and specialist oils..
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Rapid Expansion of Data-driven Chemical Development Through the Combination of Laboratory Automation, DoE and Modeling Techniques

ACS Publications

The design, development and implementation of a robust, predictable, and scalable manufacturing process is the key outcome of chemical development. In chemical development, laboratory automation plays an important role—enabling the collection of large experimental arrays directed towards the discovery and optimization of process conditions that yield robust, predictable, and scalable manufacturing processes. To take a relevant example, rationally-designed and automatically-executed experiments can be used to accelerate the discovery of new reactions and build unprecedented understanding around chemical reaction dynamics.
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