An Introduction to Flow Chemistry and its First Principles” is the first in a series of educational flow chemistry webinars by Syrris and is aimed at helping students and experienced chemists alike develop an understanding of what flow chemistry is, how it works, and its first principles. The webinar was broadcast live to a large audience and was presented by Andrew Mansfield, Head of Continuous Flow Chemistry at Syrris, with a live Q&A session at the end. You can view all the questions received, and their answers, below. After watching this, we recommend watching the follow-up webinar, “9 Reasons You Should Perform Your Chemistry in Continuous Flow“. The webinar was aired live on 12th September 2018 and repeated due to popular demand on the 2nd October 2018.
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The authoring of Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) dossiers is complex and to this day is still essentially a manual process. Information is collected from early development to the approval of Marketing Authorization and beyond.
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The elemental analysis of petrochemical products such as crude oils, intermediate refinery products, automotive fuels, or modern lubricating oils is quite challenging. If you work with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP), the organic matrix of petrochemical products requires special attention during sample preparation and instrument adjustment. Here, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) is really different and brings a lot of benefits to your lab, including simple sample preparation and elimination of daily re-calibrations. During this webinar, you will learn more about why sample preparation in XRF is so simple and straight forward and how the comprehensive XRF portfolio from Bruker can boost your sample throughput for such demanding applications. We will provide information that will help you to decide if an Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) or a Wavelength Dispersive XRF (WDXRF) instrument is the best choice for your specific petrochemical application.
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Marvin JS, produced by ChemAxon, is a state-of-the-art chemical editor that combines the chemical knowledge of MarvinSketch with the JavaScript-based browser technology. Based on the feedback from our users we have updated MarvinJS to enable easier and faster generation of structure queries.
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