Improper storage and handling of flammable liquids is the leading cause of industrial fires. The challenge with hazardous materials, whether corrosive, flammable, or combustible, is that they can’t just be stored anywhere. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes a worst-case scenario to convince decision makers to focus on compliant storage of hazardous materials.
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Dolomite explored ideal specialist chemicals for diverse microfluidic applications whilst encapsulating drugs, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. The aim of this webinar was to introduce emulsion stabilizers, their purposes and the importance of choosing the correct optimal surfactants and specialist oils..
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Are you still trusting multiple spreadsheets and data dumps to try to find out what has happened to your pricing and how that has impacted your profitability across segments, products, and geos? Are your sales reps and product managers spending all of their bandwidth trying to explain what happened instead of deciding what will improve the business? Join Mitch Lee, profit evangelist for Vendavo with more than 20yrs experience in the chemicals industry, for our upcoming webcast: Price Control 101. Mitch will detail 3 best practices that successful chemical companies use every day to effectively control prices and improve margins.
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The principles behind the membrane-based separation technology. Examples of applications for single and multistage extraction in the context of flow chemistry. Advantages of this technology for batch processing. Listen and learn about tools, strategies, and methods for assessing the formulation, drug delivery, and manufacturing potential of a drug candidate in the pre-clinical phase as well as implications for timelines, API materials, and budgets.
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