Advances In ED-XRF and ICP-OES Technology Improve Chemical and Petrochemical Analysis

Advances In
As a tool for elemental analyses ED-XRF and ICP-OES are the instruments of choice for process control, since they provide the versatility, precision and sensitivity, robustness, uptime and ease of use.
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Managing Waste under the New Hazardous Waste Generator Rule – Strategies for Success

Environment, health and safety

On November 28, 2016, EPA published its updated Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule. The new rule makes several important changes to how hazardous waste generators must track and manage hazardous waste. Following implementation at the federal level on May 30, 2017, individual States will be adopting the new requirements during the 2017-2018 timeframe. This webinar will provide a detailed review of the new requirements, as well as strategies and best practices for assuring compliance.
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Why successful chemical companies are digitalizing their R&D, sales and marketing


Why successful chemical companies are digitalizing their R&D, sales and marketing Nearly 20 years after the internet bubble burst, the chemical industry is finally being hit by the digital transformation wave. Leading chemical companies are investing massively in digitalization efforts to explore new business models, acquire new skills, and develop new solutions and services.
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How to Counter Horrific Lead Times and Rising Costs in Compounding

It’s no secret that the world is currently experiencing changes of large magnitude in these unprecedented times.
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Supporting Sustainable Development under REACH


Achieving successful sustainable development under REACH can help organizations overcome many existing product development issues. For example, collecting the data relevant for REACH compliance can foster improved materials inventory management or guide predictive toxicity studies for new products.priorities and approaches to digitalizing the lab. How intelligently planned formulations can ensure sustainable products.How toxicity databases can support toxicity prediction for new regulated substances.
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